A B C methodology for achieving Goals


There are countless times in my life I have set big goals. Then made perfect plans that should work like clock works. It was exciting to do goal setting, even more exciting to list down how I should execute that plan daily, later to only find out that, I am a fragile humans living in chaotic world of distraction. But irrespective of perfect plans works or not, accumulated effort always brings us closer to the goals and sometimes helps us achieve these goals. However, constant feel of regret of not been able to execute the perfect plan is a daily mood killer.

A B C methodology is something I came across recently. It sounds rationale and relatable to me.

Why perfect plans don’t work

When we create plans, we don’t take into account the daily nuance. Each day is not the same. If you create a plan that involve shifting between activities with minute perfection. Its unlikely you are going to achieve this daily basis. Sometimes these plans are way too hardcore.

Add a little imperfection

Sometimes little imperfection improve things. What if you create a plan that there is harmony between perfection and imperfection. Add a little flaw deliberately, to free up sometime for your self to wonder. Keep things interesting and make the effort more sustainable.

Imperfection Imporvement

A-B-C Methodology

A-B-C methodology was introduced to me in Sahil Bloom video My System for UNBREAKABLE Goal Setting. And I got here thanks to the best channel for productivity tips Ali Abdaal, and this particular video 5 Easy Ways to Become More Self-Disciplined.

Type Remark
A Most optimal plan, Very ambitious
B Something you can achieve on average day
C Something within your control to achieve in a worse day

A-days are for me is weekend’s, 1 off day from work, or public holiday. B-days are my regular office work day. And C-days are either I’m travelling, ill or I have to attend my family, or a very long working day.

A-B-C plans Be Fit Goal

Type Remark
A Work out 1 hour in the gym 4 sets 5 excercises followed by inclined walk for 15 minutes in the treadmill
B Moderate excersice for 25 mins. Cycling back home from work, swiming, running
C Make 6000 steps

A-B-C plans Loose Weight Goal

Type Remark
A Eat less than 1000 kcal a day. No sugar and less than 2000mg salt.
B Eat less than 1500 kcal a day, just bellow my BMR
C Eat less than 2500 kcal a day, for those days where I can no longer resist that beef burger. Or once in a while buffet at a wedding.

A-B-C plans Master my craft

Type Remark
A Study for 4 hours. Read research papers, make a blog post and make a pull request to an opensource project
B Study for 90 mins. Read something less challenging to grasp.
C Study for 30 mins. Read a chapter or so. Watch a video from GOTO Conference.

A-B-C plans Bonding with my family

Type Remark
A Spend quality 4 hours with my daugther and wife. Go cycling, swiming, playgroud or library together
B Spend 90 minutes with my family. Teach my daughter how to ride bicycle. Go to play ground.
C Spend 30 minutes. Watch a video together with my wife or read a book to my kid.

A-B-C Goal Granularity

And this methodology can be made goal granular. You may have multiple goals at the same time. For and example I had goal 1 to master raft-protocol and sametime had a goal 2 to lose weight by 2kgs in 2 months. A C-day for goal 1 can be A-day for goal 2. I don’t have to kill my self in a single day to make them A-day for all my goals.

A-B-C Goal Granularity Setting

Just to elaborate this further, this is an example of a past week how A-B-C took place across multiple goals.

Be-Fit Goal

Day of the week Type of Plan
Sunday A
Monday B
Tuesday B
Wednesday B
Thursday B
Friday B
Saturday A
Off-day A

Loose Weight Goal

Day of the week Type of Plan
Sunday B
Monday A
Tuesday B
Wednesday A
Thursday B
Friday B
Saturday B
Off-day B

Master my craft goal

Day of the week Type of Plan
Sunday A
Monday B
Tuesday B
Wednesday B
Thursday B
Friday B
Saturday A
Off-day A

Bonding with family goal

Day of the week Type of Plan
Sunday A
Monday B
Tuesday B
Wednesday B
Thursday B
Friday B
Saturday A
Off-day B

It’s inevitable that certain days like weekend and off-days we are going to stack up more A days. Specially when it comes to family, fitness and self-study. But those are also the days when we have more free time than busy office day.

Final word

Adding a little bit of imperfection, giving your self enough room to be normal actually could make you enjoy reaching your goals. A perfect balance of rigid schedule and a flexibility.

Imperfection Imporvement

29 Jun 2024 - Isuru